If you're having trouble focusing, making good decisions, remembering or learning things, or if you are suffering from anxiety or depression, then you are in the right place.
You CAN make it better. We are not stuck with the brains we have.
Kate is the creator of Brain Health Matters. This series of books, programs, and educational media, including our podcast, are all designed to help you improve memory, concentration, and cognitive skills while reducing your risk of developing dementia.
Start by claiming this free guide that will get you started right away with , Five KEY Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Memory and Boost Your Brain.
You've got this!
Claim your copy of The Five Things You can do Right Now to Boost Your Brain
Kate Kunkel teaches midlife men and women how to protect their brains from dementia while enjoying their lives more.
Kate dispels the myths that prevent people from making the changes that are necessary and guides them to a brain-healthy lifestyle.
Through personalized coaching sessions, group coaching programs, and with her books and podcast, Kate empowers people to make informed choices and implement sustainable practices that promote brain health. Her approach is holistic, addressing not just physical health but also emotional and mental well-being.
By incorporating music, sound therapy, nutrition, and mindfulness techniques, she offers a comprehensive solution to combat and prevent age-related cognitive decline and improve memory, mental health, and overall brain function.
With her extensive background in research and coaching, Kate provides expert guidance on brain regeneration and equips her clients with the tools and knowledge to take charge of their own brain health journey. By debunking common misconceptions and myths, she enables individuals to overcome obstacles and embrace a brain-healthy lifestyle.
It is never too early to prioritize brain health to ensure a brighter future free from dementia and cognitive decline.
Kate, your course [Tune Up Your Brain] was just what I needed! I have spent the last five weeks inviting more and more joy into my life. The course ended today, but the lessons learned will be carried forward. They have brightened up my life, quite literally. I am feeling much more enthusiastic, balanced and purposeful.
I joined Kate's Memory Rescue Plus Group program on Brightminds.
I learned so much about how to take care of my brain and how to function at an optimum level, my health including what to eat and what to avoid as well as ways to take care my physical body.
I highly recommend it if you want to know what is healthy for you so you can have the best brain and immune system possible !
This program [Tune Up Your Brain] enlightened me in so many areas pertaining to lifestyle changes supporting a healthy mind and body. I have become more aware of long time habits that are not healthy and trying the options Kate walked us through have given me opportunity to try on what fits.
This program [Tune Up Your Bain] has been a very helpful gift box of tools and suggestions to practice and references to explore for supporting my brain and memory health. I learned things about myself in unexpected ways through this 5 weeks.
I have been having tea for decades. But I finally realized how meditative and peaceful it is to start the day with a cup of tea. Practice with Kate [Practicing Joyful Mindfulness] made me realize how much more wonderful my cup of tea is and how I can use it to center myself in the morning in just a few minutes. I left feeling so peaceful, so thanks. Going to make it a point to do this every day. Take a few minutes for me everyday.
Do you worry that your senior moments are more than just fleeting irritations? Has a member of your family succumbed to the dreaded Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia? If you are experiencing memory lapses, trouble focusing, or noticing difficulty with everyday tasks, now is the time to take action to correct these problems. Because cognitive decline can very easily deteriorate into dementia, and if you have witnessed it, you know…
….Nothing is so cruel as losing your memories, your independence, and your mind to the stealthy thief named Dementia.
Dementia in nearly all its forms, including and especially Alzheimer’s, is largely a lifestyle-related disease, and the conditions that cause it are set up decades before any symptoms appear.
Whether you are only 35 or 40 years old right now and have no memory issues, or you’re 60 and are experiencing senior moments, the lifestyle choices you make every day are deciding what your future will be.
The food you eat, the exercise you do (or don’t), how you sleep and manage stress, even the cleaning products you use in your home… All of these can contribute to the risk of developing cognitive decline or sending you along the road to amazing health and a happier brain.
The good news is, that even you have been experiencing memory loss or are you struggling to manage your work or household, it does not mean you will suffer serious cognitive decline. Not only can you stop the progression of these illnesses, you can reverse them!
I wish I had known this ten years ago, when my Mom was first diagnosed with dementia. As a sound therapist, I knew that the healing power of music, singing and dancing was a great start. But there is much more, and spurred by Mom's dementia and my own memory problems, I spent the next ten years researching this terrible disease.
Through this, I have developed a holistic program utilizing the power of a whole foods, plant-based diet, exercise, and stress reduction with meditation, mindfulness and music to improve my own memory and become healthier and feel younger. It was too late for my Mom, but...
This personal success inspired me to help others, and the results are testament to the power of making these lifestyle adjustments to prevent cognitive decline. Now I am sharing this valuable information in my "Tune Up Your Brain" and "Build a Better Brain" programs and in my books including "Don't Let the Memories Fade", "The Vegan Brain", and "The Musical Brain".
“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”
John F. Kennedy
I have two kinds of dementia in my family, and this book is just what I was looking for to encourage myself and other family members to get moving in the direction of optimal health to thwart dementia. It is so comprehensive – the risks and reasons, strategies, a health plan, and even the recipes to support the plan – that I can’t recommend it highly enough. Very well written.
There are many books on dementia but this book tackles the risk factors and warning signs as well as the information you need in a step by step approach to protect your brain and improve your health. Kate has done her research. She has outlined both the challenges and the solutions in an easy to follow guide which is a must read. Your body and mind will thank you."
The author is authoritative with excellent documentation of factors that directly contribute to dementia and Alzheimer's, then she provides an easy to follow Holistic solution. It includes a well laid-out eight-week protocol based on a Vegan diet. It’s all about a healthy gut and this book provides the steps needed to achieve that goal.
I learned I can enhance my brain capacity by getting rid of old damaged cells and improving my learning mechanism by simple steps that I can choose ... like sound therapy, singing, creating, cooking, taking online courses, learning new languages, etc. But the most important thing in this book is really that you can prevent dementia by being ahead of the game. A book worth having in your house.
This program enlightened me in so many areas pertaining to lifestyle changes supporting a healthy mind and body. I have become more aware of long time habits that are not healthy and trying the options Kate walked us through have given me opportunity to try on what fits.
Diana Birtwistle, Canada
Besides being a vegan nutritionist and author, I am also a harpist. In fact, it is the healing power of harps and music that was the subject of my first book and it is still my deepest love. Music is a vital part of the program to help protect your brain and improve your health.
I invite you to explore the other offerings here. If you are a harpist, you will see courses and information that will help you in your journey.
If you love harp music, then you may also be interested in the recordings that I offer.
If you'd like your own personal healing harp recording, please click below for more information.
Vibroacoustic Therapy is a powerful, science-based, non-invasive modality that helps you tap into your own healing power. Learn how it can help you AND how you can help others by becoming a VAT therapist.
Mindfulness is not some mystical meditation technique or secret system.
It is simply... paying attention.
By paying attention to the food you eat, the actions you take, the thoughts
you have, even the music you listen to, you can consciously create
the life YOU desire.
Kate and her husband, Lynn, live in Punta Carnero, Ecuador where they have a small resort-like property for vacations and retreats.
Casas Pacificos has four casitas for rent where you can enjoy a vacation in their beautiful adopted land.