Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive approach to reducing pain and anxiety and improving quality of life. Whether you are suffering from work overload or are dealing with a serious medical condition, vibroacoustic therapy is a powerful modality that will help you relax and allow healing to take place.
Vibroacoustic therapy uses sound to produce vibrations that are applied directly to the body. During the vibroacoustic therapy process, a client lies on the specially designed mat or bed or sits in a chair that is embedded with speakers or transducers which transmit sound into vibrations that travel through the body in a soothing, healing motion that we liken to an "internal massage".
For a fun demonstration that Kate shares on local television, CLICK HERE
Vibroacoustic therapy is based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time, at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the various frequencies of sound and/or music are converted to vibration which is introduced to the human body, it can be utilized to bring the body into a state of healthy resonance.
Because our bodies are composed mainly of water – approximately 70% for an older person and about 90% for a newborn baby, all of this water is set into motion when the body is exposed to these sound vibrations. As this water is moved by the vibration, its molecules are reacting and communicating with each other. As this communication occurs, harmony and a healthy resonance are restored in the body.
Because vibroacoustic therapy helps improve blood flow, gets the body into the parasympathetic (healing) state, and is a powerful pain-reducing modality, it has many benefits to the brain.
Regarding Alzheimer's Disease: Conclusions from a study at the University of Toronto suggest that 40 Hz stimulation over time can lead to increased cognition. If we combine the effects of VAT with proper nutrition, exercise, and other proven therapies as demonstrated by Dr. Bredesen, Dr. Amen, Dr. Sandison, and others, the benefits can only be magnified.
Recently, a pair of early-stage clinical studies testing the safety and efficacy of 40Hz sensory stimulation to treat Alzheimer’s disease has found that the potential therapy was well tolerated, produced no serious adverse effects and was associated with some significant neurological and behavioral benefits among a small cohort of participants.
Regarding Parkinson's Disease: Another Canadian study was undertaken, examining the benefits of vibroacoustic therapy on patients with Parkinson's disease. Results, though preliminary, showed that there was a significant decrease in rigidity and tremors was shown, as well as a significant increase in step length and improved speed on the grooved pegboard task.
In another excellent (although lengthy) review paper on the value of vibroacoustic therapy for dementia and cognitive decline, there is much to indicate the value of this therapy.
"In this scoping review, we found studies reporting that low frequency sinusoidal sound and mechanical vibration interventions may increase EEG activation and cognitive function as well as alertness and arousal and that these interventions may decrease deviant motor behaviours and the impact on those supporting people with dementia."
Of course there is always a need for more and better research, but since VAT has virtually no chance of creating negative side effects, it is a safe therapy to improve mood and help reduce anxiety and depression. Since these are serious contributors to developing dementia, and are often first signs of cognitive decline, it is definitely a good therapy to use as soon as possible. CLICK HERE for the full study.
If you suffer from acute pain from an injury, chronic pain, neurological issues, have suffered a stroke, are showing any signs of dementia or Alzheimer's or are dealing with progressive diseases like Parkinson’s Disease or COPD, vibroacoustic therapy can help.
This non-invasive, energy-based alternative health approach to wellness has been used for over 40 years to successfully treat patients who have suffered strokes, are dealing with the pain and stress of cancer treatments, have neurological issues or who are recovering from surgeries including knee and hip replacements.
You can go to a trained therapist for a serious medical condition, or purchase a vibroacoustic system for your own use at home or work. Either way, you will benefit from the power of vibroacoustics.
Vibroacoustic therapy can be used in conjunction with any other therapy, whether it is Western allopathic medicine or alternative therapies.
Kate has a Vibroacoustic Therapy, Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy and Reiki practice at her retreat center, Casas Pacificos, in Punta Carnero, Ecuador. If you are in this area and would like to experience this modality, contact Kate at the link below.
Kate also trained many other vibroacoustic therapists and recommends that you explore this modality if at all possible as it is a powerful modality to help body, mind, spirit AND your brain! While Kate is no longer teacher this modality, she highly recommends that you take advantage of it by visiting the website.
The VTS 2000 is a system that many practitioners use to help clients augment therapy, but it can also be used for primary therapy for those who are unable to get onto a lounge or massage table.
Kate has enjoyed the VTS2000 for stress and pain relief, and for help getting to sleep.
In her professional capacity, Kate has even attached one of these devices to the backs of wheelchairs to help those who have difficulty moving from wheelchair to treatment lounge or bed.
The music and vibration programs included were developed with the help of VAT expert and researcher, Dr. Lee Bartel. They are powerful aides to better sleep, deeper relaxation, and pain management.
If you'd like to purchase one of these devices or learn more about them, go to THIS LINK and, when you check out, use the code kate (all lower case) for a 10% discount.
Order your VTS-2000 by clicking the button below and using the code kate for a 20% discount.
Vibroacoustic Therapy is an amazing treatment for many chronic conditions
as well as injuries. The list below is far from exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of the many ways this modality can help.
· Neck, Shoulder and Back pains & Backache
· Stomach pains/colic
· Symptoms of autoimmune diseases like MS
· Constipation, Irregular Bowel Syndrome
· Arthritis including RA
· Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's
· Stroke
· Impaired blood circulation
· Insomnia
· Sport injuries
· Stress
· Menstrual pains –
· Pre-menstrual tension (PMT)
· Headache, Migraine
· Fibromyalgia/Fibrositis
· Kidney stones
· Post-operative conditions including knee and hip replacements
· Autism
· Rett Syndrome
... and many more
Vibroacoustic Therapy treats many different conditions and illnesses.
Effective December 16, 2024, Kate retired from training vibroacoustic therapists, but has passed the mantle to the new owners of the Practitioner Certification Program - Justin Knight and Narissa Young.
To get all the details on how you can add this powerful modality to your existing practice, or create a new Vibroacoustic Therapy Practice, visit
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